Learn how to enable Istio for your OpenFaaS functions to take advantage of Mutual TLS and more
Service meshes have become popular add-ons for Kubernetes, so much so that they have their own ServiceMeshCon days at KubeCon, the official Kubernetes conference.
A service mesh can be used to apply policies to network communication, encrypt traffic between endpoints and for advanced routing.
Istio is one of the most popular service meshes available for use with Kubernetes and with help from the team at Google, we’ve recently updated the support and documentation for using Istio with OpenFaaS.
Istio’s mesh created by injecting Envoy proxies into each Pod to encapsulate networking
The value for users is:
- Providing more advanced and flexible policy than Kubernetes’ NetworkPolicies
- Encrypting traffic between all OpenFaaS components and functions for “zero trust”
- Providing advanced networking like retries, and weighting for canaries and gradual rollouts of new functions
Thank you to John Howard from Google for helping us with this work and to Lucas Roesler for reviewing and testing the work.
In this blog post we’ll give you a quick introduction so that you can start integrating Istio with OpenFaaS. We’ll then go on to show you how to measure the resource consumption of the cluster, and how to create a TLS certificate for the Istio Gateway.
There are many service mesh products available. Other popular options include: Linkerd, Kuma and Consul.
You may also like the workshop we created to show how to do mutual TLS and traffic shifting with OpenFaaS and Linkerd.
We are using arkade, the open source marketplace to download CLIs and to install the apps we need. You can also do this the hard way if you prefer, just refer to the documentation or the helm chart for more.
You’ll need OpenFaaS Standard or Enterprise for Istio to work. OpenFaaS CE does its own load-balancing with Pod IPs instead. Reach out to us if you want to talk about options.
Bootstrap the cluster
Create a local cluster for testing:
arkade get kind
kind create cluster \
--name openfaas-istio
Install Istio first
Once the KinD cluster has started, install Istio:
arkade install istio --version 1.16.1
Note: newer versions of Istio are available, however this was the last tested version when the blog post was written.
You can also install Istio using Helm or the istioctl tool, see other options.
Download the CLI for Istio so we can use it later:
arkade get istioctl
Install OpenFaaS
OpenFaaS can be installed via Helm or arkade, the below flags for arkade can be converted to Helm values if you prefer.
If you see --set gateway.directFunctions=true
, then you could convert that to the following for a values.yaml file:
directFunctions: true
Setting openfaasPro=true
enables the OpenFaaS Pro features.
The --license-file
flag should be set to $HOME/.openfaas/LICENSE
and will create the openfaas-license
secret so that the components can start up.
The gateway.directFunctions=true
flag prevents OpenFaaS from trying to do its own endpoint load-balancing between function replicas, and defers to Envoy instead. Envoy is configured for each pod by Istio and handles routing and retries.
The gateway.probeFunctions=true
is required to remediate a race condition where during scaling, Kubernetes reports ready endpoints, but the Envoy proxy is not yet ready to route traffic to them. This setting causes the gateway to access the function’s HTTP readiness endpoint directly before sending traffic.
The operator.create
option is not strictly necessary, but preferred as it enables the “Function” CRD.
Install without mTLS:
arkade install openfaas \
--license-file $HOME/.openfaas/LICENSE \
--set openfaasPro=true \
--set operator.create=true \
--set gateway.directFunctions=true \
--set gateway.probeFunctions=true
The istio.mtls
flag is optional, but when set encrypts the traffic between each of the pods in the openfaas
and openfaas-fn
Here is the updated command to install with mTLS:
arkade install openfaas \
--license-file $HOME/.openfaas/LICENSE \
--set openfaasPro=true \
--set operator.create=true \
--set gateway.directFunctions=true \
--set gateway.probeFunctions=true \
--set istio.mtls=true
At this point everything is configured and you can use OpenFaaS.
Alternatively, follow the instructions in the OpenFaaS documentation.
Access OpenFaaS with an Istio Gateway
Create an Istio Gateway so that we can connect to the OpenFaaS Gateway and log in.
# gateway.yaml
cat > gateway.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: openfaas-gateway
namespace: openfaas
istio: ingressgateway # use istio default controller
- port:
number: 80
name: http
protocol: HTTP
- "*"
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: VirtualService
name: openfaas-api
namespace: openfaas
- "*"
- openfaas-gateway
- match:
- uri:
prefix: /
- destination:
host: gateway
number: 8080
kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml
Port-forward the Istio Ingress Gateway:
kubectl port-forward -n istio-system \
svc/istio-ingressgateway \
8080:80 \
8443:443 &
Log in:
PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret -n openfaas basic-auth -o jsonpath="{.data.basic-auth-password}" | base64 --decode; echo)
echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin
Deploy a test function
# Find something you are interested in with:
faas-cli store list
# Deploy one of the functions
faas-cli store deploy nodeinfo
Invoke the function via the Istio Ingress gateway:
echo | faas-cli invoke nodeinfo
Describe the Function’s deployment, so you can see that the Istio proxy (Envoy) has been configured:
kubectl describe pod -n openfaas-fn
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 48s default-scheduler Successfully assigned openfaas-fn/nodeinfo-857d9c469b-ww66k to openfaas-istio-control-plane
Normal Pulling 47s kubelet Pulling image "docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.9.1"
Normal Pulled 46s kubelet Successfully pulled image "docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.9.1" in 938.690323ms
Normal Created 46s kubelet Created container istio-init
Normal Started 46s kubelet Started container istio-init
Normal Pulling 46s kubelet Pulling image "ghcr.io/openfaas/nodeinfo:latest"
Normal Pulled 38s kubelet Successfully pulled image "ghcr.io/openfaas/nodeinfo:latest" in 8.160064746s
Normal Created 38s kubelet Created container nodeinfo
Normal Started 38s kubelet Started container nodeinfo
Normal Pulling 38s kubelet Pulling image "docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.9.1"
Normal Pulled 37s kubelet Successfully pulled image "docker.io/istio/proxyv2:1.9.1" in 925.80937ms
Normal Created 37s kubelet Created container istio-proxy
Normal Started 37s kubelet Started container istio-proxy
You can also use istioctl
to explore the status of the proxy:
istioctl proxy-status
alertmanager-7cb8f6487d-ch4fp.openfaas SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
basic-auth-plugin-565b7cbc48-h9t8d.openfaas SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
gateway-5fb6bf58dd-74j8c.openfaas SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
istio-ingressgateway-5bcdc9b77f-knrpz.istio-system SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
nats-76b689f8d8-mkwtl.openfaas SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
nodeinfo-857d9c469b-ww66k.openfaas-fn SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
prometheus-5664d7cbb9-kchff.openfaas SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
queue-worker-5b7c5b898d-fqkv5.openfaas SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED SYNCED istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 1.9.1
Running the following will open a dashboard, and you can run istioctl dashboard --help
to see how to launch the Grafana or Envoy UI.
istioctl dashboard controlz deployment/istiod.istio-system
Istio controlz dashboard
I was also able to verify that the OpenFaaS gateway was receiving encrypted messages. To do this, I reinstalled Istio using the instructions in the docs in privileged mode. Then I restarted the gateway and observed encrypted messages with tcpdump
Encrypted messages observed with tcpdump
You can detect the presence of Envoy within your function by looking at the HTTP headers passed on:
faas-cli deploy \
--name env \
--image ghcr.io/openfaas/alpine:latest \
Now invoke the function and view the headers injected by the Envoy sidecar:
echo | faas-cli invoke env
Going Further
Measuring the effects
There is a cost involved with installing a service mesh like Istio. There will be additional RAM required, additional control-plane components to configure and keep updated, along with additional latency and cold-start times for scaling functions from zero.
If you would like to understand the quiescent load on the cluster, you can install the Kubernetes metrics-server through arkade:
arkade install metrics-server
Wait a few minutes for data collection, then run:
kubectl top node
kubectl top pod -A
These are my results after having completed the whole tutorial including: KinD, cert-manager, openfaas, inlets-operator and the metrics-server itself.
kubectl top node
openfaas-istio-control-plane 399m 4% 1693Mi 5%
kubectl top pod -A
cert-manager cert-manager-7998c69865-ljf2h 7m 22Mi
cert-manager cert-manager-cainjector-7b744d56fb-5blx4 3m 40Mi
cert-manager cert-manager-webhook-7d6d4c78bc-k58l8 3m 14Mi
default inlets-operator-65d855b646-d7hrb 1m 14Mi
istio-system istio-ingressgateway-5bcdc9b77f-knrpz 12m 41Mi
istio-system istio-ingressgateway-tunnel-client-8676784869-wcbdc 1m 6Mi
istio-system istiod-865fd47fcc-24vdp 4m 48Mi
kube-system coredns-f9fd979d6-8mr5v 4m 11Mi
kube-system coredns-f9fd979d6-gbmjz 5m 11Mi
kube-system etcd-openfaas-istio-control-plane 32m 66Mi
kube-system kindnet-mjntd 1m 9Mi
kube-system kube-apiserver-openfaas-istio-control-plane 83m 412Mi
kube-system kube-controller-manager-openfaas-istio-control-plane 19m 52Mi
kube-system kube-proxy-jfgtc 1m 17Mi
kube-system kube-scheduler-openfaas-istio-control-plane 4m 18Mi
kube-system metrics-server-56c4ff648b-jzkrq 2m 15Mi
local-path-storage local-path-provisioner-78776bfc44-tgr64 2m 8Mi
openfaas alertmanager-7cb8f6487d-ch4fp 9m 53Mi
openfaas basic-auth-plugin-565b7cbc48-h9t8d 10m 51Mi
openfaas gateway-5fb6bf58dd-74j8c 15m 65Mi
openfaas nats-76b689f8d8-mkwtl 10m 51Mi
openfaas prometheus-5664d7cbb9-kchff 20m 101Mi
openfaas queue-worker-5b7c5b898d-fqkv5 7m 47Mi
openfaas-fn nodeinfo-857d9c469b-ww66k 12m 63Mi
If this seems like a lot of infrastructure for running a single function, then you may be interested in taking a look at a more minimal stack with faasd. faasd runs on a single host and makes different tradeoffs so that it requires very minimal resources to run functions.
Getting a TLS certificate
Let’s now get a TLS certificate so that we can serve traffic to clients securely.
First, create a DNS A record for the IP address of the Istio Ingress gateway using your preferred cloud dashboard and DNS service.
kubectl get svc -n istio-system istio-ingressgateway
istio-ingressgateway LoadBalancer <pending>
Inlets can enable LoadBalancers and Controllers for local and private Kubernetes clusters
If you’re running within a private VPC, on-premises or on your laptop, then you will need to get a public IP for Istio through the inlets-operator. See a full guide to setting up the inlets-operator with Istio to provide an IP via a secure tunnel. That will then change <pending>
to a fully accessible IP.
Otherwise, copy the IP or CNAME issued to you under EXTERNAL-IP
and create your DNS entry. I’ll be using the domain faas.o6s.io
cert-manager is a CNCF project for obtaining, renewing and managing TLS certificates
You can get a TLS certificate to serve traffic over HTTPS using cert-manager.
arkade install cert-manager
Now create an Issuer
and register it with Let’s Encrypt:
export EMAIL="you@example.com"
cat > issuer.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1
kind: Issuer
name: letsencrypt-prod
namespace: istio-system
server: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
email: $EMAIL
name: letsencrypt-prod
- selector: {}
class: istio
kubectl apply -f issuer.yaml
Define a certificate:
export DOMAIN="faas.o6s.io"
cat > cert.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1alpha2
kind: Certificate
name: ingress-cert
namespace: istio-system
secretName: ingress-cert
commonName: $DOMAIN
name: letsencrypt-prod
kind: Issuer
kubectl apply -f cert.yaml
You can then check the status of the issuer and certificate:
kubectl get issuer -n istio-system -o wide
letsencrypt-prod True The ACME account was registered with the ACME server 2m22s
kubectl get certificate -n istio-system -o wide
ingress-cert True ingress-cert letsencrypt-prod Certificate is up to date and has not expired 30s
Now finally update the IngressGateway we created earlier so that it uses the domain we have defined such as faas.o6s.io
# gateway.yaml
cat > gateway.yaml <<EOF
apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3
kind: Gateway
name: openfaas-gateway
namespace: openfaas
istio: ingressgateway
- port:
number: 443
name: https
protocol: HTTPS
mode: SIMPLE
credentialName: ingress-cert
- faas.o6s.io
kubectl apply -f gateway.yaml
At this point you can log into OpenFaaS via its public URL and access the nodeinfo function:
export OPENFAAS_URL="https://faas.o6s.io"
echo -n $PASSWORD | faas-cli login --username admin --password-stdin
Calling the OpenFaaS server to validate the credentials...
credentials saved for admin https://faas.o6s.io
Invoke the function:
curl -s -d "" $OPENFAAS_URL/function/nodeinfo
You can also see the certificate if you open your browser
Wrapping up
In a short period of time we were able to deploy Istio and OpenFaaS Pro on a local KinD cluster and see Envoy’s sidecar providing mutual TLS encryption. We then went on to explore the additional resource consumption added by using Istio, and finally showed you how to create a TLS certificate for external traffic using a free certificate from Let’s Encrypt.
Istio is feature-rich, with extensive documentation and examples.
I found the FAQ answered many questions I had whilst preparing this tutorial and recommend taking a read: Istio FAQ.
A good place to start exploring what is possible, would be the Task-based section of the documentation. For instance, you could look into more advanced policies for routing and traffic shifting or partial weighting using VirtualServices for individual functions.
You may also like the workshop we created to show how to do mutual TLS and traffic shifting with OpenFaaS and Linkerd.
Do you have questions, comments or suggestions?
- Find out more about Istio
- Browse the OpenFaaS documentation
Do you have questions, comments or suggestions? Tweet to @openfaas.
If you’d like to use Istio with OpenFaaS, you can find out about options for OpenFaaS Pro here.